
What learning Spanish

Actually Means

When learning a foreign language, we normally know our reasons to learn it.

If you want to learn Spanish, your reasons may be things like:

● Speaking with your Hispanic friends

● Being able to interact with locals in Barcelona

● Apply for a new job at an international company

● Reading some of your favorite books in their original language 

And you may also know some methods that you could apply to achieve them:

● Taking lessons at the local language school

● Or one on one lessons with a private online teacher

● Using one of the multiple available apps

● Interacting with native speakers

Depending on your goals and your learning style, some methods will be more effective than others, so choosing the right methodology is key in your language learning process.

But there's something missing...

If we think of language learning as a sandwich, with your language goals and the actions you are going to take to achieve them, we have described the two pieces of bread, but we still need a filling.

The filling would be the changes that a language learning methodology will cause, which will allow you to achieve your goals.

In other words, what you actually need to learn and internalize.

I’ll explain this:

Each specific language is based mainly on two sets of agreements.

The first and most basic kind of agreement is the one that links each spoken or written symbol to an idea. If Spanish speakers didn’t agree on the identification of the word mesa [table] with “a piece of furniture consisting on a smooth flat top supported on one or more legs”, or the word azul [blue] with “the color of a clear sky”, for example, we wouldn’t have a language.

This also includes the different ideas that some words may have depending on the context, e.g. cuerpo humano [human body] and cuerpo de bomberos [fire brigade].

This is what we learn when we learn the vocabulary of a new language: We learn a new set of words that correspond with the ideas we already have, which have already been attached to other words in our native language.

Vocabulary is based on the writing and pronunciation of that given language. And depending on that language itself and the native language of the learner, it may require more or less dedication. Spanish pronunciation and writing isn’t usually a very big problem when learning to communicate in this language.

The second kind of agreement is the one that establishes the possible usage of those words when creating a message. This includes things like:

● The variations that those words must undertake in certain circumstances. In Spanish, for example, using mesas [tables] and not mesa[table] when referring to more than one object, or using tengo [I have] and not tienes [you have] when referring to oneself.

● The stablished relations between some of those words. In Spanish, we use the word de [of] after the verb enamorarse [to fall in love], but not the word con [with].

● The possible order of words in a message. In Spanish we may use the word te [you] before the word ayudaré [I will help] and say te ayudaré [I will help you], but not afterwards.

This second set of agreements is commonly known as grammar. And it has a bad reputation among some language learners.

There are also other kinds of agreements, like the ones about the tone in which a word or sentence is pronounced, or about the relation between language and manners.  They certainly help us communicate better, but they are not as important in the first place to the person learning Spanish as a foreign language.

So in order to learn a language we need to learn vocabulary and grammar.

This is no new idea, but it is in fact an idea that many language learners forget, because they are mislead by the high amount of information that affirm that mere exposure to a foreign language is not only enough, but the only way to really learn a foreign language. 

“I’ve been doing Duolingo almost everyday for a year, I watch Spanish Youtube videos, and even spent six weeks in Spain last summer, but I’m unable to express myself in Spanish, let alone understand real Spanish conversations.”

As a Spanish teacher, many Spanish learners contact me with this kind of stories. When I ask them what they were trying to learn, they seem quite surprised.

It’s not that they were doing something wrong. It’s only they were not aware of what needed to happen for them to be able to understand and speak Spanish.

Learning a language is something that we all have done already—just not in the same conditions: Starting to learn a language as a baby, or even as a five year old, is not the same as starting to learn a language at age 20 or later.

Compared to adults learning a second language, young children spend much more time immersed in their native language, have more cognitive flexibility and, believe it or not, are much more motivated to learn—they are programmed to become part of the culture in order to survive.

So, as adults, mere exposure to language, via apps, books, films or conversation is effective, but it’s not the most efficient method to learn a language.

Every time a person exposed to Spanish tries to actively interact in this language, some vocabulary and grammar learning actually occurs, but without deeper work, it will take really long to become fluent in Spanish.

In addition to listening and reading, speaking and writing in Spanish, having an overview of the different elements that Spanish is built with (nouns, verbs, adjectives…), and getting a clear explanation of the patterns followed to build it, will save you a great amount of time—and frustration.

This doesn’t mean that you will always have to think about grammar or patterns when speaking Spanish. Eventually, you’ll get to a stage in which you'll use patterns intuitively, almost unconsciously. But you have to think about them consciously first.

That's why our resources focus on the understanding of the different elements of the Spanish language and how they are used, so you can learn Spanish in the most effective and efficient way.

And we offer a membership program that includes not only access to all those resources, but also access to a real teacher to whom you can send all your questions, and get answers and practical advice to improve your skills.

How about you?

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