Learn Beauty Treatments and Cosmetics Vocabulary in Spanish
Learn Spanish Vocabulary for Beauty Treatments and Cosmetics

The other day I was practicing conversation with a student, and she told me she had been to a beauty salon to prepare for her sister’s wedding party. She knew some Spanish vocabulary for different beauty treatments and cosmetics, but there were also some that she hadn’t learned in Spanish yet. I helped her find the Spanish words she didn’t know and, at the end of the lesson, we had a small Spanish vocabulary list related to beauty and cosmetics.

I thought it would be helpful for other Spanish students also, so I added some more vocabulary and built a quite thorough list that I am about to share with you.

To tell the truth, I haven’t much experience talking about beauty and cosmetics in Spanish (nor any other language), so I guess I am forgetting many words.

If there are items missing (whether you only know the words in English or not), let me know and help me complete the list.

Face Treatments and Cosmetics Vocabulary in Spanish

cosmético (m)cosmetic
cara (f)face
limpiador facial (m)facial cleanser
ceja (f)eyebrow
cepillo de cejas (m)eyebrow brush
lápiz de cejas (m)eyebrow pencil
pestaña (f)eyelash
pestaña postiza (f)fake eyelash
rizador de pestaña (m)eyelash curler
rímel (m)mascara
ojo (m)eye
párpado (m)eyelid
crema de ojos (f)eye cream
arruga (f)wrinkle
crema antiarrugas (f)anti wrinkle crema
pata de gallo (f)crow’s foot
ojera (f)dark circle under eye
crema antiojeras (f)concealer
bolsa bajo el ojo (f)bag under the eye
sombra de ojos (f)eye shadow
lápiz de ojos (m)eye pencil
delineador de ojos (m)eyeliner
frente (f)forehead
barbilla (f)chin
mejilla (f)cheek
pómulo (m)cheekbone
desmaquillador (m)cleanser
desmaquillarseto take off makeup
tónico facial (m)facial toner
aceite facial (m)facial oil
maquillaje (m)makeup
maquillarto make someone up
maquillarseto make oneself up
brocha (f)brush
esponja (de maquillaje) (f)beauty blender
aplicador (m)applicator
bastoncillo (m)cotton bud
algodón (m)cotton wool
aplicarto apply
esfumarto blend
quitarto remove
limpiarto clean
hidratarto moisturize
prebase (f)primer
base (f)foundation
capa superiro (f)top coat
polvo (m)powder
polvo bronceador (m)contour
iluminador (m)highlighter
corrector (m)concealer
colorete (m)blusher
nariz (f)nose
punto negro (m)blackhead
labio (m)lip
pintalabios (m)lipstick
brillo de labios (m)gloss
delineador de labios (m)lipliner

Skincare Vocabulary in Spanish

cuidado de la piel (m)skincare
piel sensible (f)sensitive skin
piel seca (f)dry skin
piel grasa (f)oily skin
piel mixta (f)combination skin
peca (f)freckle
grano (m)spot
crema (f)cream
crema hidratante (f)moisturizing cream
loción hidratante (f)moisturizer
crema exfoliante (f)exfoliator
depilación (f)hair removal
depilarseto remove hair
depilación láser (f)laser hair removal
depilación con cera (f)waxing
pinzas (f)tweezers
rayos uva (f)suntanning rays
protector solar (m)sunscreen
masaje (m)massage
masajista (m / f)massage therapist
desodorante (m)deodorant
perfume (m)perfume
colonia (f)cologne
salón de belleza (m)beauty salon

Hand and Foot Care Vocabulary in Spanish

mano (f)hand
manicura (f)manicure
crema de manos (f)hand cream
pie (m)foot
pedicura (f)pedicure
crema de pies (f)foot cream
uña (f)nail
uña postiza (f)fake nail
lima de uñas (f)nail file
limarse las uñasto file one’s nails
cortaúñas (m)nail clippers
tijeras de uñas (f)nail scissors
cortarse las uñasto trim one’s nails
esmalte de uñas (m)nail polish
pintaúñas (m)nail polish
pintarse las uñasto paint one’s nails
base de esmalte (f)base coat
cutícula (f)cuticle
aceite de cutículas (m)cuticle oil
cortacutículas (m)cuticle scissors

Haircare Vocabulary in Spanish

pelo (m)hair
cabello (m)hair
cana (f)grey hair
cabello graso (m)oily hair
cabello seco (m)dry hair
cuero cabelludo (m)scalp
caspa (f)dandruff
raíz (del cabello) (f)hair rooth
punta (f)hair end
punta abierta (f)split end
cuidado del cabello (m)haircare
champú (m)shampoo
lavarse el peloto wash one’s hair
acondicionador (m)conditioner
mascarilla capilar (f)hair mask
cepillo de pelo (m)hair brush
cepillarse el peloto brush one’s hair
peine (m)comb
peinarseto comb one’s hair
peinado (m)hairstyle
gomina (f)hair oil
laca (f)hairspray
gel capilar (m)hair gel
espuma capilar (f)hair mousse
peluquería (f)hairdresser
corte de pelo (m)haircut
cortarse el peloto get a haircut
tinte capilar (m)hair color
teñirse el peloto dye one’s hair
mechas (f)streaks, highlights
darse mechasto get streaks, highlights

Facial Hair Care Vocabulary in Spanish

bigote (m)mustache
barba (f)beard
patilla (f)sideburn
perilla (f)goatee
mosca (f)soul patch
afeitado (m)shave
afeitarto shave (someone else)
afeitarseto shave (oneself)
maquinilla (de afeitar) (f)(shaving) razor
maquinilla eléctrica (f)electric razor
crema de afeitar (f)shaving cream
brocha de afeitar (f)shaving brush
aftershave (m)aftershave balm
barbería (f)barber shop

I hope that this list for beauty and cosmetics vocabulary in Spanish is helpful.

If there is any word that I haven’t included and you would like to know, or have questions related to the Spanish language, don’t hesitate to let me know. I’ll be happy to answer them.

Light On Spanish

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