The other day I was practicing conversation with a student, and she told me she had been to a beauty salon to prepare for her sister’s wedding party. She knew some Spanish vocabulary for different beauty treatments and cosmetics, but there were also some that she hadn’t learned in Spanish yet. I helped her find the Spanish words she didn’t know and, at the end of the lesson, we had a small Spanish vocabulary list related to beauty and cosmetics.
I thought it would be helpful for other Spanish students also, so I added some more vocabulary and built a quite thorough list that I am about to share with you.
To tell the truth, I haven’t much experience talking about beauty and cosmetics in Spanish (nor any other language), so I guess I am forgetting many words.
If there are items missing (whether you only know the words in English or not), let me know and help me complete the list.
Face Treatments and Cosmetics Vocabulary in Spanish
cosmético (m) | cosmetic |
cara (f) | face |
limpiador facial (m) | facial cleanser |
ceja (f) | eyebrow |
cepillo de cejas (m) | eyebrow brush |
lápiz de cejas (m) | eyebrow pencil |
pestaña (f) | eyelash |
pestaña postiza (f) | fake eyelash |
rizador de pestaña (m) | eyelash curler |
rímel (m) | mascara |
ojo (m) | eye |
párpado (m) | eyelid |
crema de ojos (f) | eye cream |
arruga (f) | wrinkle |
crema antiarrugas (f) | anti wrinkle crema |
pata de gallo (f) | crow’s foot |
ojera (f) | dark circle under eye |
crema antiojeras (f) | concealer |
bolsa bajo el ojo (f) | bag under the eye |
sombra de ojos (f) | eye shadow |
lápiz de ojos (m) | eye pencil |
delineador de ojos (m) | eyeliner |
frente (f) | forehead |
barbilla (f) | chin |
mejilla (f) | cheek |
pómulo (m) | cheekbone |
desmaquillador (m) | cleanser |
desmaquillarse | to take off makeup |
tónico facial (m) | facial toner |
aceite facial (m) | facial oil |
maquillaje (m) | makeup |
maquillar | to make someone up |
maquillarse | to make oneself up |
brocha (f) | brush |
esponja (de maquillaje) (f) | beauty blender |
aplicador (m) | applicator |
bastoncillo (m) | cotton bud |
algodón (m) | cotton wool |
aplicar | to apply |
esfumar | to blend |
quitar | to remove |
limpiar | to clean |
hidratar | to moisturize |
prebase (f) | primer |
base (f) | foundation |
capa superiro (f) | top coat |
polvo (m) | powder |
polvo bronceador (m) | contour |
iluminador (m) | highlighter |
corrector (m) | concealer |
colorete (m) | blusher |
nariz (f) | nose |
punto negro (m) | blackhead |
labio (m) | lip |
pintalabios (m) | lipstick |
brillo de labios (m) | gloss |
delineador de labios (m) | lipliner |
Skincare Vocabulary in Spanish
cuidado de la piel (m) | skincare |
piel sensible (f) | sensitive skin |
piel seca (f) | dry skin |
piel grasa (f) | oily skin |
piel mixta (f) | combination skin |
peca (f) | freckle |
grano (m) | spot |
crema (f) | cream |
crema hidratante (f) | moisturizing cream |
loción hidratante (f) | moisturizer |
crema exfoliante (f) | exfoliator |
depilación (f) | hair removal |
depilarse | to remove hair |
depilación láser (f) | laser hair removal |
depilación con cera (f) | waxing |
pinzas (f) | tweezers |
rayos uva (f) | suntanning rays |
protector solar (m) | sunscreen |
masaje (m) | massage |
masajista (m / f) | massage therapist |
desodorante (m) | deodorant |
perfume (m) | perfume |
colonia (f) | cologne |
salón de belleza (m) | beauty salon |
Hand and Foot Care Vocabulary in Spanish
mano (f) | hand |
manicura (f) | manicure |
crema de manos (f) | hand cream |
pie (m) | foot |
pedicura (f) | pedicure |
crema de pies (f) | foot cream |
uña (f) | nail |
uña postiza (f) | fake nail |
lima de uñas (f) | nail file |
limarse las uñas | to file one’s nails |
cortaúñas (m) | nail clippers |
tijeras de uñas (f) | nail scissors |
cortarse las uñas | to trim one’s nails |
esmalte de uñas (m) | nail polish |
pintaúñas (m) | nail polish |
pintarse las uñas | to paint one’s nails |
base de esmalte (f) | base coat |
cutícula (f) | cuticle |
aceite de cutículas (m) | cuticle oil |
cortacutículas (m) | cuticle scissors |
Haircare Vocabulary in Spanish
pelo (m) | hair |
cabello (m) | hair |
cana (f) | grey hair |
cabello graso (m) | oily hair |
cabello seco (m) | dry hair |
cuero cabelludo (m) | scalp |
caspa (f) | dandruff |
raíz (del cabello) (f) | hair rooth |
punta (f) | hair end |
punta abierta (f) | split end |
cuidado del cabello (m) | haircare |
champú (m) | shampoo |
lavarse el pelo | to wash one’s hair |
acondicionador (m) | conditioner |
mascarilla capilar (f) | hair mask |
cepillo de pelo (m) | hair brush |
cepillarse el pelo | to brush one’s hair |
peine (m) | comb |
peinarse | to comb one’s hair |
peinado (m) | hairstyle |
gomina (f) | hair oil |
laca (f) | hairspray |
gel capilar (m) | hair gel |
espuma capilar (f) | hair mousse |
peluquería (f) | hairdresser |
corte de pelo (m) | haircut |
cortarse el pelo | to get a haircut |
tinte capilar (m) | hair color |
teñirse el pelo | to dye one’s hair |
mechas (f) | streaks, highlights |
darse mechas | to get streaks, highlights |
Facial Hair Care Vocabulary in Spanish
bigote (m) | mustache |
barba (f) | beard |
patilla (f) | sideburn |
perilla (f) | goatee |
mosca (f) | soul patch |
afeitado (m) | shave |
afeitar | to shave (someone else) |
afeitarse | to shave (oneself) |
maquinilla (de afeitar) (f) | (shaving) razor |
maquinilla eléctrica (f) | electric razor |
crema de afeitar (f) | shaving cream |
brocha de afeitar (f) | shaving brush |
aftershave (m) | aftershave balm |
barbería (f) | barber shop |
I hope that this list for beauty and cosmetics vocabulary in Spanish is helpful.
If there is any word that I haven’t included and you would like to know, or have questions related to the Spanish language, don’t hesitate to let me know. I’ll be happy to answer them.