Learn the Parts of the House in Spanish
Learn the Parts of the House in Spanish

In this lesson, you’ll find a list with the Spanish terms for rooms and parts of the house.

Where are you right now? It’s very probable that you are sitting at home. But, in which room?

And, can you name it in Spanish?

Our house is probably the place where we spend most of our time, even if most of this time is spent sleeping. So it is a good idea to learn the Spanish terms for the spaces we are most familiar with.

This week, we are learning how to name rooms and parts of the house in Spanish.

I’ve put together two lists.

The first one contains rooms and parts of the house:


ascensor (m)elevator
aseo (m) / servicio (m)toilet
balcón (m)balcony
chimenea (f)chimney
cocina (f)kitchen
comedor (m)dining room
cuarto de baño (m)bathroom
despacho (m)study
despensa (f)larder
dormitorio (m)bedroom
escalera (f)stairs
garaje (f)garage
habitación (f) / sala (f)room
jardín (m)garden
pared (f)wall
pasillo (m)hallway
patio (m)courtyard
puerta (f)door
sala de estar (f)sitting room
salón (m)living room
suelo (m)floor
techo (m)ceiling
tejado (m)roof
terraza (f)terrace
ventana (f)window

The second one shows how to name the different floors of a building.

Notice how we use the ordinal numbers:


sótano (m)basementbasement
planta baja (f)ground floorfirst floor
primer piso (m)first floorsecond floor
segundo piso (m)second floorthird floor
tercer piso (m)third floorfourth floor
cuarto piso (m)fourth floorfifth floor
quinto piso (m)fifth floorsixth floor
sexto piso (m)sixth floorseventh floor
séptimo piso (m)seventh flooreighth floor
octavo piso (m)eighth floorninth floor
noveno piso (m)ninth floortenth floor
décimo piso (m)tenth flooreleventh floor
ático (m)atticattic
azotea (f)terrace roofterrace roof

Ordinal numbers aren't used much after 10th. To say "eleventh floor" we would normally say piso once, and so on.

*When writing the English equivalent of a Spanish term, I normally don’t put much emphasis on the different English variations. But, since the way that floors are counted varies between English speaking countries, I’ve made a distinction between American and British English. Note: Spanish uses the same system as British English.

Light On Spanish

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